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District 6000 is one of the Charter District members of the Rotary Action Group for Clubfoot (RAG4Clubfoot).
Worldwide, approximately 200,000 children each year are born with clubfoot. Hundreds of thousands of these children will live with a lifetime deformity that will limit their mobility, their ability to walk to school or play with friends and eventually to work. Rotarians can help us change that!
District 6000, District 5970 and Ponseti International Association (PIA) based at the University of Iowa are actively working together to grow RAG4Clubfoot.
RAG4Clubfoot Mission: To support timely Ponseti Method treatment and appropriate care for all children born with clubfoot.
1.2 million Rotarians in 34,000 clubs can:
- Become a member and recruit additional members of RAG4Clubfoot
- Encourage their districts to contribute District Designated Funds (DDF) to support global grants with primary goal of properly training orthopedists to apply the Ponseti Method.
- Advocate with governments and health officials to provide the facilities and resources to treat clubfoot deformity.
- Assist families and caregivers with logistical support, including transportation, housing, food, and other needs.
- Assist families with the provision of night-time braces to complete Ponseti treatment.
- Assist with public awareness to reduce the stigma, to spread the message that “clubfoot is treatable”, and to promote early referral to appropriate treatment centers.
For more information, please visit:
To arrange for a speaker at your Rotary club, please contact We are available to present via Zoom to clubs worldwide.