Recommend to the Foundation Committee on matters of district global grant policies and procedures, advise District Rotarians and assist with drafting global grant applications and reports, maintain records of DDF contributions, advise our District Governor And District Rotary Foundation Chair about grants, communicate with our peers in other districts, and intercede with The Rotary Foundation on behalf of district issues and grants.
Rotary Foundation Global Grants support large international activities with sustainable, long-term, high-impact outcomes in one or more of the seven areas of focus. There are three types of Global Grants:
  • Global Grant Scholarships can support scholars who plan to study abroad and whose studies involve one of the seven areas of focus.  We anticipate that there will be two $30,000 global grant scholarships awarded annually by District 6000.
  • Humanitarian Grants enable Rotarians to support service projects that benefit people in need.
Regardless of the type of global grant - scholarship or humanitarian project – the characteristics are the same. They are projects and activities that:
  • Are sponsored by a host Rotary club in the project country and an international Rotary club outside the project country
  • Align with an area of focus
  • Respond to a need the benefiting community has identified
  • Include the active participation by the people of the benefitting community
  • Include the active participation of Rotarians