One Summit – Helping Clubs Expand Areas of Focus & Increase Member Engagement. 
Rotarians share a commitment to serve, and we have an exciting opportunity to help your club expand the Areas of Focus you currently serve based on the collective interests of your members. This year’s revamped One Summit enables clubs to explore Rotary's 7 Areas of Focus and determine which of these areas resonate most with their members. The process will also help clubs generate new service project ideas and determine which ideas have the greatest member interest. We encourage you to explore this opportunity further, find a suitable date within the next month or two, and have either you as President or your President-Elect help lead your club's Summit. It's an ideal way to connect and engage with your members and make a meaningful difference in your community.  See more under Club Services and click on One Summit for more details and material to help along the way
VIDEO: D6000 One Summit Expanding Areas of Focus - Watch this promo video that features details of what the upcoming D6000 One Summit will help with discussion on how to EXPAND your club's Area of Focus